To deploy a Node.js app in cPanel, follow these steps:

  1. First, log in to your cPanel account.

  2. In the "Software" section, click on the "Setup Node.js App" icon.

  3. In the "Create a Node.js App" page, enter the following information:

  • App Name: Enter a name for your app.
  • App Directory: Select a directory for your app or leave the default value.
  • App Main File: Enter the name of the main file of your app (e.g., index.js).
  • Node.js Version: Select the version of Node.js that you want to use for your app.
  • Environment: Select the environment in which your app will run (e.g., production or development).
  1. Click the "Create" button to create your Node.js app.

  2. After your app is created, you will see a "Start" button next to it. Click this button to start your app.

  3. To access your app, click on the "Visit App" button. This will open your app in a new tab in your web browser.

That's it! Your Node.js app should now be running in cPanel.

Note: If you encounter any issues while deploying your app, you can check the error logs in the "Error Log" section of the "Node.js App" page in cPanel. This can help you troubleshoot any issues you may be experiencing.

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