To access SSH in cPanel, follow these steps:
Log in to your cPanel account.
In the "Security" section, click on the "SSH Access" icon.
Click on the "Manage SSH Keys" button.
If you already have an SSH key pair, you can use the "Import Key" feature to import your public key.
If you don't have an SSH key pair, click on the "Generate a New Key" button.
Enter a name for your new SSH key in the "Key Name" field.
Choose the type of key you want to generate (RSA or DSA) and the key size (2048 or 4096 bits).
Click on the "Generate" button.
Follow the prompts to generate and install the SSH key pair.
Once you have an SSH key pair installed, you can use an SSH client to connect to your account via SSH. Some popular SSH clients include PuTTY (for Windows) and Terminal (for Mac).
To connect to your account via SSH, you will need to enter your server's hostname or IP address, your cPanel username, and the path to your private key file. You can find this information in the "SSH Access" section of your cPanel account.