There are several ways to increase the speed of a website using Cloudflare:
Enable Cloudflare's CDN (Content Delivery Network) service: Cloudflare's CDN stores copies of your website's static assets (e.g. images, CSS, JavaScript) in data centers around the world. This allows users to access the assets from the nearest location, which can significantly improve the loading speed of your website.
Enable Cloudflare's caching options: Cloudflare allows you to cache your website's assets and pages, which can reduce the load on your server and improve the loading speed of your website. You can configure the cache settings in the "Caching" tab of your Cloudflare account.
Optimize your website's assets: You can optimize your website's assets (e.g. images, CSS, JavaScript) to reduce their size and improve the loading speed of your website. This can be done using tools such as Gzip compression, image optimization, and minification.
Use Cloudflare's performance optimization tools: Cloudflare offers several performance optimization tools that you can use to improve the loading speed of your website. These tools include Rocket Loader, Mirage, and Polish.
By following these tips, you should be able to significantly improve the speed of your website using Cloudflare. It's a good idea to monitor the performance of your website using tools such as PageSpeed Insights or WebPageTest to track your progress and identify areas for further improvement.