To add a subdomain in cPanel, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.

  2. In the "Domains" section, click on the "Subdomains" icon.

  3. In the "Create a Subdomain" field, enter the name of the subdomain you want to create. For example, if you want to create a subdomain for "support", you would enter "support" in this field.

  4. In the "Domain" dropdown menu, select the domain for which you want to create the subdomain.

  5. In the "Document Root" field, cPanel will automatically fill in the directory where the subdomain's files will be stored. You can leave this field as is or specify a different directory if you prefer.

  6. Click the "Create" button to create the subdomain.

That's it! Your subdomain should now be created and you can start uploading files to it.

New Update: 

As per the recent update on cPanel, the feature for creating Subdomain has been consolidated, You can now create subdomains from cpanel >> Domains.

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